d20MUD offers a variety of different classes to choose from. The classes are split up into three categories: basic classes, advanced (or prestige) classes, and secondary classes. Multiclassing is allowed, with a limit of 3 classes per character, and 40 class levels total..
Basic classes are selectable by anyone, and all characters start with one of these classes. They each consist of 20 levels.
Advanced classes must be unlocked with account experience, and once unlocked are available for all characters on your account. They generally consist of 10 levels.
Secondary classes do not count towards the 3 class limit, and all characters have them at level one.
Templates are premade builds that allow new players to take the guesswork out of how to build their character. Each level your class, feats, skills and ability score boosts are chosen for you. If you ever decide you want to customize your build, you can always respec your character to reselect all of your classes, skills, feats and ability scores without losing anything else, such as gear, credits, exp and so forth.
Information for the Force Adept Class
Though the Jedi Order is being hunted by the Empire, and all but extinguished, there still remain a choice few who have developed ability in the force. They may be Jedi in hiding, a dark side devotee, serving the Emperor and Darth Vader, or they may be neither. Force adepts can be any of these, and they are distinct in their ability to feel and tap into the power of the force, including the wielding of the legendary lightsabers.
Hit Die : 10 + Con Mod
Skill Points Per Level: 2 + Int Mod (x4 at level one)
Defense Bonuses : Fortitude: 1 Reflex: 1 Willpower: 1
Class Skills : Acrobatics, Endurance, Initiative, Tactics, Knowledge, Perception, Use the Force
Free Feats : martial arts i, simple weapon proficiency, force sensitivity, lightsaber proficiency
Class Requirements : No Noghri. Droids must be shard sentients.
1 = 1 = force training
2 = 2 = force resistance
3 = 3 = force expertise
4 = 4 = lightsaber defense
5 = 5 = martial arts i
6 = 6 = double attack
7 = 7 = force persuasion
8 = 8 = force training
9 = 9 = force harmony
10 = 10 = deflect attacks
11 = 11 = martial arts ii
12 = 12 = force intuition
13 = 13 = force resistance
14 = 14 = resilience
15 = 15 = riposte
16 = 16 = force training
17 = 17 = martial arts iii
18 = 18 = force boon
19 = 19 = force resistance
20 = 20 = force harmony
LEGEND: BAB (base attack bonus)
Gain 3 (+wisdom modifier) force powers. Taking this makes you exempt from echani training.
Gain +5 to defenses against force powers (per rank, max +15).
20% chance per rank to use force power as free action.
When wielding a lightsaber gain +1 reflex defense per rank (max +3).
Unarmed attacks deal 1d6 damage, vibroknuckles deal 2d5, +1 reflex defense.
Deal extra attack at -5 penalty to all attacks.
When making persuasion skill check, can use 'use the force' skill instead.
Gain 3 (+wisdom modifier) force powers. Taking this makes you exempt from echani training.
+1 force point regen per tick per rank (max 1+(level/10)).
Allows you to parry melee and ranged attacks with your lightsaber.
Unarmed attacks deal 1d8 damage, vibroknuckles deal 2d6, +1 reflex defense.
When making initiative skill check, can use 'use the force' skill instead.
Gain +5 to defenses against force powers (per rank, max +15).
Minor action to improve condition monitor by 2 steps for 10 force points. resiliance command.
Allows you to gain an attack of opportunity after a successful deflected attack.
Gain 3 (+wisdom modifier) force powers. Taking this makes you exempt from echani training.
Unarmed attacks deal 1d10 damage, vibroknuckles deal 2d7, +1 reflex defense.
4 extra force points per force sensitive level.
Gain +5 to defenses against force powers (per rank, max +15).
+1 force point regen per tick per rank (max 1+(level/10)).
Information for the Scoundrel Class
Scoundrels are your run-of-the-mill, work-outside-the-law type of people. From slicers to smugglers to informants, and everything in between, scoundrels are known for their versatile knowledge and ability to strike with deadly accuracy from the shadows or on unaware opponents.
Hit Die : 6 + Con Mod
Skill Points Per Level: 7 + Int Mod (x4 at level one)
Defense Bonuses : Fortitude: 0 Reflex: 2 Willpower: 1
Class Skills : Acrobatics, Deception, Gather Information, Initiative, Tactics, Knowledge, Mechanics, Perception, Persuasion, Use Computer, Stealth
Free Feats : point blank shot, weapon proficiency (pistols), simple weapon proficiency
1 = 0 = sneak attack
2 = 1 = dodge
3 = 2 = sneak attack
4 = 3 = assassinate, evasion
5 = 3 = sneak attack
6 = 4 = uncanny dodge
7 = 5 = sneak attack
8 = 6 = bleeding attack
9 = 6 = sneak attack
10 = 7 = powerful sneak
11 = 8 = sneak attack
12 = 9 = expert haggler
13 = 9 = sneak attack
14 = 10 = opportunist
15 = 11 = sneak attack
16 = 12 = superior head shot
17 = 12 = sneak attack
18 = 13 = improved uncanny dodge
19 = 14 = sneak attack
20 = 15 = sneak attack of opportunity, improved evasion
LEGEND: BAB (base attack bonus)
+1d6 to damage per rank, when flanking.
You gain a permanent +1 dodge bonus to reflex defense.
+1d6 to damage per rank, when flanking.
Chance for double damage on first attack of an encounter.
On successful reflex save no damage from certain abilities and effects
+1d6 to damage per rank, when flanking.
Retain dex bonus when flat footed or against invis opponents.
+1d6 to damage per rank, when flanking.
Causes bleed damage on living targets who are hit by sneak attack.
+1d6 to damage per rank, when flanking.
Opt to take -2 to attacks and treat all sneak attack dice rolls of 1 as a 2. (toggled with powerfulsneak command)
+1d6 to damage per rank, when flanking.
Bonuses for successful haggle attempt are doubled. (uses haggle command and persuasion skill).
+1d6 to damage per rank, when flanking.
Once per round the rogue may make an attack of opportunity against a foe an ally just struck.
+1d6 to damage per rank, when flanking.
All head shots are critical hits. (headshot command)
+1d6 to damage per rank, when flanking.
Cannot be flanked (or sneak attacked).
+1d6 to damage per rank, when flanking.
Makes all opportunity attacks sneak attacks.
On successful reflex save no damage from certain abilities and effects. On a failed save, take half damage.
Information for the Scout Class
Scouts are always at the forefront, whether exploring alien planets, or scoping out the battlefield. Their skills allow them to move unseen and quickly, to track down targets and improve the abilities of their companions as well. Often known as jacks-of-all-trades, no crew is complete without a reliable, skilled scout.
Hit Die : 8 + Con Mod
Skill Points Per Level: 5 + Int Mod (x4 at level one)
Defense Bonuses : Fortitude: 1 Reflex: 2 Willpower: 0
Class Skills : Athletics, Endurance, Initiative, Tactics, Knowledge, Mechanics, Perception, Ride, Survival, Stealth
Free Feats : shake it off, weapon proficiency (pistols), weapon proficiency (rifles), simple weapon proficiency
1 = 1 = sneak attack, light armor proficiency
2 = 2 = field training i
3 = 3 = ambush
4 = 4 = uncanny dodge
5 = 5 = long stride
6 = 6 = expert initiative, sneak attack
7 = 7 = expert tracker
8 = 8 = survivalist
9 = 9 = group awareness
10 = 10 = hide in plain sight
11 = 11 = sneak attack, medium armor proficiency
12 = 12 = forced march
13 = 13 = field training ii
14 = 14 = evasion
15 = 15 = jury rigger
16 = 16 = sneak attack
17 = 17 = conceal allies, hidden movement
18 = 18 = acute senses, improved stealth
19 = 19 = improved uncanny dodge, heavy armor proficiency
20 = 20 = improved evasion, field training iii
LEGEND: BAB (base attack bonus)
+1d6 to damage per rank, when flanking.
Allows unpenalized use of light armor.
Increases fort bonus on armor by 2, reduces reflex penalty by 1, does not stack with armor training.
first attack in combat, if it hits, is automatic critical.
Retain dex bonus when flat footed or against invis opponents.
10ft bonus to speed in light, medium or no armor.
Roll twice for initiative checks and take the best result.
+1d6 to damage per rank, when flanking.
Roll twice for track checks and take best result.
Offers group members +1/3rd your survival skill to theirs. New survival skill cannot exceed yours.
Offers group members +1/3rd your perception skill to theirs. New perception skill cannot exceed yours.
You can hide successfully to escape combat.
+1d6 to damage per rank, when flanking.
Allows unpenalized use of medium armor.
Offers group members +1/3rd your athletics skill to theirs. New athletics skill cannot exceed yours.
Increases fort bonus on armor by 1, reduces reflex penalty by 1, does not stack with armor training, but does stack with other field training ranks.
On successful reflex save no damage from certain abilities and effects
Roll twice for mechanics checks and take best result. Improves amount fixed with juryrig pilot feat.
+1d6 to damage per rank, when flanking.
Offers group members +1/3rd your stealth skill to theirs. New stealth skill cannot exceed yours.
Will no longer suffer movement/speed penalty for hiding/sneaking.
Roll twice for perception checks and take best result.
Roll twice for stealth checks and take best result.
Cannot be flanked (or sneak attacked).
Allows unpenalized use of heavy armor.
On successful reflex save no damage from certain abilities and effects. On a failed save, take half damage.
Increases fort bonus on armor by 1, reduces reflex penalty by 1, does not stack with armor training, but does stack with other field training ranks.
Information for the Soldier Class
Soldiers are seen everywhere in the galaxy, serving in militaries, bodyguards of nobles or crime lords, as part of mercenary groups and more. They're skilled with many weapons and armor, and have a number of abilities that are useful on the front lines of battle.
Hit Die : 10 + Con Mod
Skill Points Per Level: 3 + Int Mod (x4 at level one)
Defense Bonuses : Fortitude: 2 Reflex: 2 Willpower: 0
Class Skills : Athletics, Endurance, Initiative, Tactics, Mechanics, Perception, Treat Injury, Use Computer
Free Feats : light armor proficiency, medium armor proficiency, weapon proficiency (pistols), weapon proficiency (rifles), simple weapon proficiency
1 = 1 = armor training i
2 = 2 = toughness
3 = 3 = point blank shot
4 = 4 = martial arts i
5 = 5 = heavy armor proficiency
6 = 6 = draw fire
7 = 7 = combat reflexes
8 = 8 = double attack
9 = 9 = power attack
10 = 10 = precise shot
11 = 11 = rapid shot
12 = 12 = rapid strike, combat expertise
13 = 13 = armored defense
14 = 14 = triple crit, armor training ii
15 = 15 = second skin, triple attack
16 = 16 = cleave
17 = 17 = dual weapon mastery i, martial arts ii
18 = 18 = improved disarm, improved armored defense
19 = 19 = martial arts iii
20 = 20 = armor training iii
LEGEND: BAB (base attack bonus)
Increases fort bonus on armor by 1, reduces reflex penalty by 2, does not stack with field training, but does stack with other ranks of armor training.
You gain +1 hit point for all levels you gain, including retroactive hp for levels already gained.
+1 to hit and dam rolls with ranged weapons in the same room.
Unarmed attacks deal 1d6 damage, vibroknuckles deal 2d5, +1 reflex defense.
Allows unpenalized use of heavy armor.
Gives you a 20% chance to draw the attack of the enemy that round.
Can make a number of attacks of opportunity equal to dex bonus.
Deal extra attack at -5 penalty to all attacks, command:doubleattack to toggle..
Subtract a number from hit and add to dam. If 2H weapon add 2x dam instead.
You may shoot in melee without the standard -4 to hit penalty.
Can deal extra die of damage with ranged weapon at -2 to all attacks.
Can deal extra die of damage with melee weapon at -2 to all attacks.
May take penalty to hit rolls and add same amount as dodge ac bonus.
When wearing armor reflex and fortitude defenses increase by 1.
you can deal x3 damage on a successful critical instead of x2 with the selected weapon.
Increases fort bonus on armor by 1, reduces reflex penalty by 2, does not stack with field training, but does stack with other ranks of armor training.
When wearing armor gains +1 to reflex and fortitude defense.
Deal extra attack at additional -5 penalty to all attacks, command:doubleattack to toggle.
Extra attack per round against a secondary enemy in battle (anything you're fighting that you're not currently targetting.
Penalties when wielding two weapons or double weapon -5/-5 instead of -10/10.
Unarmed attacks deal 1d8 damage, vibroknuckles deal 2d6, +1 reflex defense.
You gain a +4 bonus to disarm checks.
When wearing armor reflex and fortitude defenses increase by 1. Stacks with armored defense.
Unarmed attacks deal 1d10 damage, vibroknuckles deal 2d7, +1 reflex defense.
Increases fort bonus on armor by 1, reduces reflex penalty by 2, does not stack with field training, but does stack with other ranks of armor training.
Information for the Squad Leader Class
Squad leaders are generally known as the elite among combat leaders and military officers. Trained in both military weapons and armor, and going through similar rigorous training as other soldiers, their main focus is on the morale and well being of their squads. Squad leaders learn many abilities that enhance those they are fighting aside as well as some personal tactics that can benefit themselves and others.
Hit Die : 8 + Con Mod
Skill Points Per Level: 6 + Int Mod (x4 at level one)
Defense Bonuses : Fortitude: 0 Reflex: 1 Willpower: 2
Class Skills : Deception, Gather Information, Initiative, Tactics, Knowledge, Perception, Persuasion, Ride, Treat Injury, Use Computer
Free Feats : light armor proficiency, weapon proficiency (pistols), weapon proficiency (rifles), simple weapon proficiency
1 = 0 = combat strategist
2 = 1 = leadership
3 = 2 = inspire courage
4 = 3 = master tactician
5 = 3 = leadership
6 = 4 = inspire competence
7 = 5 = inspire courage
8 = 6 = master tactician
9 = 6 = leadership
10 = 7 = inspire courage
11 = 8 = inspire greateness
12 = 9 = armor expert
13 = 9 = master tactician
14 = 10 = leadership
15 = 11 = inspire courage
16 = 12 = master tactician
17 = 12 = leadership
18 = 13 = inspire courage
19 = 14 = master tactician
20 = 15 = inspire heroics
LEGEND: BAB (base attack bonus)
Allows the use of the tactics ability, offering buffs to self and group members based on combat tactics skill.
Group members get extra exp on kills and hit/ac bonuses. Each rank increases bonuses.
+1 bonus to attacks, damage and will defense per rank to all group members (useability command).
Gives +5 per rank (max 5 ranks) to penetrate lightsaber deflections, and allows you a 10% chance per rank to replace your attack roll with your tactics skill if it is higher.
Group members get extra exp on kills and hit/ac bonuses. Each rank increases bonuses.
Increases all skills by +5 (useability command).
+1 bonus to attacks, damage and will defense per rank to all group members (useability command).
Gives +5 per rank (max 5 ranks) to penetrate lightsaber deflections, and allows you a 10% chance per rank to replace your attack roll with your tactics skill if it is higher.
Group members get extra exp on kills and hit/ac bonuses. Each rank increases bonuses.
+1 bonus to attacks, damage and will defense per rank to all group members (useability command).
+1 to attack rolls, +1 to all skills and +1 to all defenses (useability command).
Reduces armor check penalty by 2 and discounts any worn equipment from encumbrance.
Gives +5 per rank (max 5 ranks) to penetrate lightsaber deflections, and allows you a 10% chance per rank to replace your attack roll with your tactics skill if it is higher.
Group members get extra exp on kills and hit/ac bonuses. Each rank increases bonuses.
+1 bonus to attacks, damage and will defense per rank to all group members (useability command).
Gives +5 per rank (max 5 ranks) to penetrate lightsaber deflections, and allows you a 10% chance per rank to replace your attack roll with your tactics skill if it is higher.
Group members get extra exp on kills and hit/ac bonuses. Each rank increases bonuses.
+1 bonus to attacks, damage and will defense per rank to all group members (useability command).
Gives +5 per rank (max 5 ranks) to penetrate lightsaber deflections, and allows you a 10% chance per rank to replace your attack roll with your tactics skill if it is higher.
Increases all defenses by 4 (useability command).
Information for the Bounty Hunter Class
In a Galaxy ruled by the Empire, there still remain considerable bases of power where those who operate outside of the law can be found. These systems are often ruled by crime lords, the most notorious of which are the Hutts. And when someone displeases these crime lords, the trusty bounty hunter is called in to hunt down that unfortunate soul, and collect a tidy sum for their efforts. Bounty hunters are skilled combatants, and have a knack for tracking people down and killing their mark before they've even been discovered. With a number of tricks up their sleeves, they are as formidible in a firefight as they are sniping their mark from a distance.
Hit Die : 10 + Con Mod
Skill Points Per Level: 5 + Int Mod (x4 at level one)
Defense Bonuses : Fortitude: 0 Reflex: 4 Willpower: 2
Class Skills : Athletics, Endurance, Gather Information, Initiative, Tactics, Knowledge, Perception, Persuasion, Survival, Stealth
Class Requirements :
Class level 7. Persuasion and survival skills base ranks of 5 or higher.
This class must be unlocked using account exp (see accexp class)
1 = 1 = light armor proficiency, medium armor proficiency, assassinate
2 = 2 = sneak attack, hunters mark
3 = 3 = oil spray
4 = 4 = flamethrower
5 = 5 = sneak attack, hunters target
6 = 6 = notorious
7 = 7 = nowhere to hide
8 = 8 = relentless
9 = 9 = ruthless negotiator, sneak attack
10 = 10 = familiar foe, heavy armor proficiency
LEGEND: BAB (base attack bonus)
Allows unpenalized use of light armor.
Allows unpenalized use of medium armor.
Chance for double damage on first attack of an encounter.
+1d6 to damage per rank, when flanking.
Aiming also gives you a 20% chance per hit to reduce the targets condition by 1 stage.
Causes enemies to be covered in oil, with acrobatics checks to avoid slipping each round. If set aflame, cause damage of time. Activated with the useability command.
Causes a damage over time effect to all enemies. Activated with the useability command.
+1d6 to damage per rank, when flanking.
All attacks against the target this combat will add your bounty hunter level in damage (hunterstarget command).
Intimidate checks now last twice as long and the penalty to damage is twice as high.
You may roll twice on all gather information checks and keep the better of the two results.
When hunters target is active, no attack can affect your condition monitor.
All rewards for doing bounties and missions (credits, reputation & experience) are increased by 50%.
+1d6 to damage per rank, when flanking.
When you spend one combat round to observe your target you gain a bonus to attack rolls and reflex defense equal to 1/2 your bounty hunter level.
Allows unpenalized use of heavy armor.
Information for the Carbineer Class
In the thick of battle, with blaster shots whizzing overhead, the carbineer stands strong, decimating the enemy with quick bursts of heavy blaster fire. Often clad in heavy armor, their presence is often the difference between victory and retreat.
Hit Die : 10 + Con Mod
Skill Points Per Level: 4 + Int Mod (x4 at level one)
Defense Bonuses : Fortitude: 1 Reflex: 2 Willpower: 0
Class Skills : Athletics, Endurance, Initiative, Tactics, Mechanics, Perception, Treat Injury, Use Computer
Class Requirements :
Class level of 7 or higher. Precise shot feat. Point blank shot feat.
This class must be unlocked using account exp (see accexp class)
1 = 1 = carbine expertise
2 = 2 = double burst
3 = 3 = shield bracing, sneak attack
4 = 4 = heavy burst
5 = 5 = carbine expertise
6 = 6 = sneak attack, focus fire
7 = 7 = triple burst
8 = 8 = carbine expertise
9 = 9 = pin down
10 = 10 = quadruple burst, superior head shot
LEGEND: BAB (base attack bonus)
Grants +1 to hit and +2 to damage per rank, max 3 ranks.
Allows you to shoot two quick bursts from your carbine, auto hitting on both (doubleburst command).
Able to use a tech shield with a carbine.
+1d6 to damage per rank, when flanking.
Increases carbine damage by 2 dice for 3 rounds.
Grants +1 to hit and +2 to damage per rank, max 3 ranks.
+1d6 to damage per rank, when flanking.
Extra carbine attack for 2 rounds.
Increases double burst to 3 attacks.
Grants +1 to hit and +2 to damage per rank, max 3 ranks.
Reduce carbine damage by 1 dice to cause target to have -2 to hit and -4 to damage (toggle, pindown command).
Increases double burst to 4 attacks.
All head shots are critical hits. (headshot command)
Information for the Commando Class
Every army has a group of soldiers that rise above the common soldier, doing the missions that none other can do. Commandos are among these elite forces, wielding heavy blaster rifles and repeaters. Carrying plenty of ordinance, they are as dangerous against a group of enemies as they are one-on-one. Commandos also receive special training that allows them to shrug off blows and shots that would level another soldier.
Hit Die : 12 + Con Mod
Skill Points Per Level: 3 + Int Mod (x4 at level one)
Defense Bonuses : Fortitude: 4 Reflex: 2 Willpower: 0
Class Skills : Athletics, Endurance, Initiative, Tactics, Mechanics, Perception, Treat Injury, Use Computer
Class Requirements :
Base Attack Bonus 7 or more. Point blank shot feat. Light armor proficiency. Medium armor proficiency. martial arts i feat.
This class must be unlocked using account exp (see accexp class)
1 = 1 = heavy blaster rifle proficiency, dropsuit usage
2 = 2 = controlled burst
3 = 3 = frag grenade
4 = 4 = gas grenade
5 = 5 = penetrating attack
6 = 6 = carbonite spray
7 = 7 = flash bang grenade
8 = 8 = acid jet
9 = 9 = devastating attack
10 = 10 = negate damage
Enables use of heavy blaster rifles without an attack roll penalty.
Allows the use of dropsuits to land at places other than a planet's spaceport.
Eliminates attack penalties for burst fire and full automatic firing modes.
Causes direct damage to all enemies in the room.
Causes an AoE effect of combat penalties and potential for incapacitation.
Reduces enemy's damage reduction by 10 for 3 rounds.
Causes target to be encased in carbonite, freezing them for multiple rounds.
Causes all enemies to be blinded for several rounds.
Causes a damage over time effect on a single enemy.
Reduces enemy's damage threshold by 10 for 3 rounds.
Negates the damage from the next direct damage special attack.
Information for the Grey Jedi Class
Grey Jedi, as they have commonly been termed while the Jedi Order still existed, are those who have been taught the light side of the force, but who did not adhere to the Jedi code and tapped into the dark side of the force as well. Embracing neither, they beleive that true balance is found when one embraces both emotion and self control. Though the remnant of the Jedi Order is in hiding, there still remain some who have ability in the force who agree with this philosophy. Grey Jedi must be careful to keep themselves in check, for should they find themselves leaning too far in one side of the force, they may lose their abilities in the other side, until they've regained their balance.
Hit Die : 10 + Con Mod
Skill Points Per Level: 2 + Int Mod (x4 at level one)
Defense Bonuses : Fortitude: 2 Reflex: 2 Willpower: 2
Class Skills : Acrobatics, Endurance, Initiative, Tactics, Knowledge, Perception, Use the Force
Free Feats : martial arts i, simple weapon proficiency, force sensitivity, lightsaber proficiency
Class Requirements :
Class level of 7 or higher. Force sensitive. Use the force skill with 5 or more base ranks.
No Noghri or non-shard-sentient droids. Your alignment must be between -250 and 250.
This class must be unlocked using account exp (see accexp class)
1 = 1 = grey attunement, greater lightsaber focus
2 = 2 = djem so form, grey attunement
3 = 3 = ataru form, soresu form
4 = 4 = sokan form, grey attunement
5 = 5 = improved grey attunement, shii-cho form
6 = 6 = shien form
7 = 7 = niman form, improved grey attunement
8 = 8 = makashi form, advanced grey attunement
9 = 9 = juyo form, jar'kai form, advanced grey attunement
10 = 10 = greater lightsaber specialization, vaapad form
+1 to attacks and damage against all alignments per rank, max 3 ranks.
+1 to attacks with lightsabers.
Once per round can spend 10 Force Points to respond to a successful attack against you with one of your own. djemso command.
+1 to attacks and damage against all alignments per rank, max 3 ranks.
Allows you to add dex mod to damage instead of strength when wielding lightsabers, or 2x dex mod if wielding two handed (not double weapons).
Can reroll any failed deflect attack, once per attempt.
+5 to acrobatics skill and can never roll less than 10 on an acrobatics check.
+1 to attacks and damage against all alignments per rank, max 3 ranks.
+1 to all defenses when target is of any alignment per rank, max 2 ranks.
When you attempt to deflect multiple attacks, you suffer only -2 per attempt instead of -5.
Whenever you riposte an attack you get +5 to the attack roll.
When wielding a lightsaber you gain a +1 to all defenses.
+1 to all defenses when target is of any alignment per rank, max 2 ranks.
When wielding only one lightsaber (and not a double lightsaber), you gain +2 to reflex defense.
+4 to all skills when fighting opponents of any alignment per rank, max 2 ranks.
You can roll your first attack per round twice and take the best result.
When wielding a lightsaber in both hands (or double lightsaber) you gain an additional +1 to reflex defense.
+4 to all skills when fighting opponents of any alignment per rank, max 2 ranks.
+2 to damage with lightsabers.
Critical threat range when wielding a lightsaber increases by 1.
Information for the Gunslinger Class
Gunslingers are masters of the blaster pistol. Able to achieve incredible feats of accuracy, their unmatched skills also allow them to perform shots that can weaken and distract their targets. Whether one pistol or dual pistols, the gunslinger is one that few in the galaxy would want to cross.
Hit Die : 8 + Con Mod
Skill Points Per Level: 4 + Int Mod (x4 at level one)
Defense Bonuses : Fortitude: 0 Reflex: 4 Willpower: 2
Class Skills : Acrobatics, Deception, Gather Information, Initiative, Tactics, Knowledge, Mechanics, Perception, Persuasion, Use Computer, Stealth
Class Requirements :
Class level of 7 or higher. Precise shot feat. Point blank shot feat.
This class must be unlocked using account exp (see accexp class)
1 = 1 = sneak attack, trusty sidearm, deceptive shot
2 = 2 = improved pistol accuracy
3 = 3 = trusty sidearm
4 = 4 = trigger work, improved pistol accuracy, sneak attack
5 = 5 = trusty sidearm
6 = 6 = improved pistol accuracy
7 = 7 = trusty sidearm, sneak attack
8 = 8 = knockdown shot, improved pistol accuracy
9 = 9 = trusty sidearm, debilitating shot
10 = 10 = improved pistol accuracy, sneak attack
+1d6 to damage per rank, when flanking.
+1 to damage made with pistols.
10 percent chance with pistol to cause opponent to be flat footed for two of their turns on successful deception skill vs willpower defense check.
+1 to all attack rolls (per rank) made with blaster pistols.
+1 to damage made with pistols.
You now suffer no penalty to attack bonus when using rapid shot.
+1 to all attack rolls (per rank) made with blaster pistols.
+1d6 to damage per rank, when flanking.
+1 to damage made with pistols.
+1 to all attack rolls (per rank) made with blaster pistols.
+1 to damage made with pistols.
+1d6 to damage per rank, when flanking.
10 percent chance to knock down opponent with pistol shot (if opponent size is not more than 2 sizes more than yours).
+1 to all attack rolls (per rank) made with blaster pistols.
+1 to damage made with pistols.
5 percent chance with pistol to cause your opponent to slide 1 position down on the condition monitor
+1 to all attack rolls (per rank) made with blaster pistols.
+1d6 to damage per rank, when flanking.
Information for the Jedi Consular Class
A Jedi Consular was the title of one of the distinct schools of thought which a member of the Jedi Order could decide to study under following their ascension to the rank of Jedi Knight, the others being Jedi Guardian, Jedi Shadow and Jedi Sentinel. Led by the Council of Reconciliation, the Consulars sought diplomatic measures in spreading peace and harmony across the Galactic Republic. Refraining from drawing their lightsabers (many Consulars wielded green lightsabers) except as a measure of last resort, Consulars spent a great deal of time studying the mysteries of the Force. A Consular's role in the Jedi Order had remained largely consistent throughout its history but was first written down by the Consular Jedi Seer Sabla-Mandibu in the text The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force.
Hit Die : 6 + Con Mod
Skill Points Per Level: 2 + Int Mod (x4 at level one)
Defense Bonuses : Fortitude: 2 Reflex: 2 Willpower: 2
Class Skills : Acrobatics, Endurance, Initiative, Knowledge, Perception, Persuasion, Use the Force
Class Requirements :
Force sensitive. Base attack bonus of 7 or higher. Use the force skill of 5 or higher. No Noghri or non-shard-sentient droids. No ranks in sentinel, shadow or guardian classes.
This class must be unlocked using account exp (see accexp class)
1 = 0 = jedi consular school of thought, greater lightsaber focus
2 = 1 = djem so form
3 = 2 = ataru form, soresu form, jedi consular school of thought
4 = 3 = sokan form
5 = 3 = jedi consular school of thought, shii-cho form
6 = 4 = shien form
7 = 5 = niman form, jedi consular school of thought
8 = 6 = makashi form
9 = 6 = juyo form, jar'kai form, jedi consular school of thought
10 = 7 = greater lightsaber specialization, vaapad form
Force heal has 1 tick less cooldown (minimum zero), +1 to knowledge and persuasion skills per rank, +1 to will defense per rank.
+1 to attacks with lightsabers.
Once per round can spend 10 Force Points to respond to a successful attack against you with one of your own. djemso command.
Allows you to add dex mod to damage instead of strength when wielding lightsabers, or 2x dex mod if wielding two handed (not double weapons).
Can reroll any failed deflect attack, once per attempt.
Force heal has 1 tick less cooldown (minimum zero), +1 to knowledge and persuasion skills per rank, +1 to will defense per rank.
+5 to acrobatics skill and can never roll less than 10 on an acrobatics check.
Force heal has 1 tick less cooldown (minimum zero), +1 to knowledge and persuasion skills per rank, +1 to will defense per rank.
When you attempt to deflect multiple attacks, you suffer only -2 per attempt instead of -5.
Whenever you riposte an attack you get +5 to the attack roll.
When wielding a lightsaber you gain a +1 to all defenses.
Force heal has 1 tick less cooldown (minimum zero), +1 to knowledge and persuasion skills per rank, +1 to will defense per rank.
When wielding only one lightsaber (and not a double lightsaber), you gain +2 to reflex defense.
You can roll your first attack per round twice and take the best result.
When wielding a lightsaber in both hands (or double lightsaber) you gain an additional +1 to reflex defense.
Force heal has 1 tick less cooldown (minimum zero), +1 to knowledge and persuasion skills per rank, +1 to will defense per rank.
+2 to damage with lightsabers.
Critical threat range when wielding a lightsaber increases by 1.
Information for the Jedi Guardian Class
Jedi guardians are members of the Jedi Order that have devoted themselves to the protection of others. Often serving as generals on the battlefield, they are also commonly assigned to Jedi business that requires a presence of brute force and sheer power. Sometimes these skills are learned by non-Jedi as well, though the formal training was almost always done at the Jedi temples.
Hit Die : 10 + Con Mod
Skill Points Per Level: 2 + Int Mod (x4 at level one)
Defense Bonuses : Fortitude: 2 Reflex: 2 Willpower: 2
Class Skills : Acrobatics, Endurance, Initiative, Tactics, Knowledge, Perception, Use the Force
Free Feats : martial arts i, simple weapon proficiency, force sensitivity, lightsaber proficiency
Class Requirements :
Force sensitive. Base attack bonus of 7 or higher. Use the force skill of 5 or higher. No Noghri or non-shard-sentient droids. No ranks in sentinel, shadow or consular classes.
This class must be unlocked using account exp (see accexp class)
1 = 1 = jedi guardian school of thought, greater lightsaber focus
2 = 2 = djem so form
3 = 3 = ataru form, soresu form, jedi guardian school of thought
4 = 4 = sokan form
5 = 5 = jedi guardian school of thought, shii-cho form
6 = 6 = shien form
7 = 7 = niman form, jedi guardian school of thought
8 = 8 = makashi form
9 = 9 = juyo form, jar'kai form, jedi guardian school of thought
10 = 10 = greater lightsaber specialization, vaapad form
Cumulative 20 percent chance for +3 ac and +6 damage reduction.
+1 to attacks with lightsabers.
Once per round can spend 10 Force Points to respond to a successful attack against you with one of your own. djemso command.
Allows you to add dex mod to damage instead of strength when wielding lightsabers, or 2x dex mod if wielding two handed (not double weapons).
Can reroll any failed deflect attack, once per attempt.
Cumulative 20 percent chance for +3 ac and +6 damage reduction.
+5 to acrobatics skill and can never roll less than 10 on an acrobatics check.
Cumulative 20 percent chance for +3 ac and +6 damage reduction.
When you attempt to deflect multiple attacks, you suffer only -2 per attempt instead of -5.
Whenever you riposte an attack you get +5 to the attack roll.
When wielding a lightsaber you gain a +1 to all defenses.
Cumulative 20 percent chance for +3 ac and +6 damage reduction.
When wielding only one lightsaber (and not a double lightsaber), you gain +2 to reflex defense.
You can roll your first attack per round twice and take the best result.
When wielding a lightsaber in both hands (or double lightsaber) you gain an additional +1 to reflex defense.
Cumulative 20 percent chance for +3 ac and +6 damage reduction.
+2 to damage with lightsabers.
Critical threat range when wielding a lightsaber increases by 1.
Information for the Jedi Master Class
The Jedi are impressive in their ability to remain calm and collected, objective and decisive. However, among their ranks, the Jedi Masters are without equal in their adherence to the Jedi Code and mastery of the light side of the force. Whether as teachers, leaders or agents in handling Jedi business, they are well respected by those they protect and work with, and feared and despised by those whose actions are found to be needing the intervention by a Jedi Master.
Hit Die : 10 + Con Mod
Skill Points Per Level: 4 + Int Mod (x4 at level one)
Defense Bonuses : Fortitude: 3 Reflex: 3 Willpower: 3
Class Skills : Acrobatics, Endurance, Initiative, Tactics, Knowledge, Perception, Persuasion, Use the Force
Free Feats : martial arts i, simple weapon proficiency, force sensitivity, lightsaber proficiency
Class Requirements :
Minimum heroic level of 20 or higher. Force sensitive. Use the force skill with 20 or more base ranks. 3 ranks of the force training feat. No Noghri or non-shard-sentient droids.
This class must be unlocked using account exp (see accexp class)
1 = 1 = force recovery
2 = 2 = force power mastery, gauge force potential
3 = 3 = telekinetic power
4 = 4 = telekinetic savant
5 = 5 = force damage reduction
6 = 6 = equilibirum, improved force trance
7 = 7 = improved move object, force focus
8 = 8 = force healer, force sever
9 = 9 = swift power, force rebuke
10 = 10 = force power recovery, serenity
Each time you defeat an enemy in battle you automatically gain 10 hp and 10 force points.
Specified force power gains a +10 to any checks concerning success and/or magnitude of effect.
Allows user to gauge whether a person is force sensitive, and to some degree, how powerful a person is in the force.
20% chance that the following force powers will not trigger a cooldown when used: force push, force slam, move object, force disarm, force grip.
Once per encounter you can ignore the cooldown timer on one of the following force powers: force push, force slam, move object, force disarm, force grip.
Can be used to enhance a characters damage reduction by 10/- for one minute.
Removes all negative effects from the target, excluding condition damage.
Increases amount of healing and force point rejuvination when meditating.
Increases damage for the move object force power.
This power allows you to use your next force power without triggering a cooldown on it.
You can use your use the force skill in place of treat injury when using the heal skill.
If successful, the target is unable to use any force powers for 3 combat rounds.
Once every ten minutes you can reduce the cooldown timer on all force powers by half, for one combat encounter.
You can absorb the next force power used against you with a chance to reflect it back at the enemy.
At the end of combat, each rank with this feat will give a cumulative 10% chance per round to end the cooldown timer on a randomly chosen force power.
Next force power roll automatically rolls a 20 in the related skill check.
Information for the Jedi Sentinel Class
A Jedi Sentinel was the name given to one of the distinct schools of both schools of teaching and amplified them with a series of non-Force skills, such as in the fields of security, computers, stealth techniques, demolitions, repair or medicine. These skills tended to take the forefront in their middle-road approach to problems; while a Guardian might bash down a locked door and a Consular might simply knock, a Sentinel would instead use equipment available or ingenuity to pick the lock. While studying all of the traditional techniques and abilities that made the Jedi who they were, the Sentinels of the Order found their isolation in the Jedi Temple to be a hindrance if they were expected to be able to work with the civilians of the galaxy. While adherents to the Force and all that it could do, Sentinels were not blinded by faith and realized that the mystical energy field did have its limitations. Typically opting for missions requiring them to stay in a single place for long periods of time, the Sentinels would take on assignments not suited to the other Jedi branches. The rarely lit lightsabers of the Sentinels usually produced a yellow blade.
Hit Die : 6 + Con Mod
Skill Points Per Level: 2 + Int Mod (x4 at level one)
Defense Bonuses : Fortitude: 2 Reflex: 2 Willpower: 2
Class Skills : Acrobatics, Endurance, Initiative, Tactics, Knowledge, Perception, Use the Force
Class Requirements :
Force sensitive. Base attack bonus of 7 or higher. Use the force skill of 5 or higher. No Noghri or non-shard-sentient droids. No ranks in sentinel, shadow or consular classes.
This class must be unlocked using account exp (see accexp class)
1 = 1 = jedi sentinel school of thought, greater lightsaber focus
2 = 2 = djem so form
3 = 3 = ataru form, soresu form, jedi sentinel school of thought
4 = 4 = sokan form
5 = 5 = jedi sentinel school of thought, shii-cho form
6 = 6 = shien form
7 = 7 = niman form, jedi sentinel school of thought
8 = 8 = makashi form
9 = 9 = juyo form, jar'kai form, jedi sentinel school of thought
10 = 10 = greater lightsaber specialization, vaapad form
20 percent chance per rank for +3 to attack and +6 to damage rolls.
+1 to attacks with lightsabers.
Once per round can spend 10 Force Points to respond to a successful attack against you with one of your own. djemso command.
Allows you to add dex mod to damage instead of strength when wielding lightsabers, or 2x dex mod if wielding two handed (not double weapons).
Can reroll any failed deflect attack, once per attempt.
20 percent chance per rank for +3 to attack and +6 to damage rolls.
+5 to acrobatics skill and can never roll less than 10 on an acrobatics check.
20 percent chance per rank for +3 to attack and +6 to damage rolls.
When you attempt to deflect multiple attacks, you suffer only -2 per attempt instead of -5.
Whenever you riposte an attack you get +5 to the attack roll.
When wielding a lightsaber you gain a +1 to all defenses.
20 percent chance per rank for +3 to attack and +6 to damage rolls.
When wielding only one lightsaber (and not a double lightsaber), you gain +2 to reflex defense.
You can roll your first attack per round twice and take the best result.
When wielding a lightsaber in both hands (or double lightsaber) you gain an additional +1 to reflex defense.
20 percent chance per rank for +3 to attack and +6 to damage rolls.
+2 to damage with lightsabers.
Critical threat range when wielding a lightsaber increases by 1.
Information for the Jedi Shadow Class
Dubbed Shadows, and mostly made up of the elite Jedi Knights, these Jedi became what their name suggests; shadows of themselves and the Jedi Order. Working in secrecy, the First Knowledge Council would hand pick the ranks of this task force and send its members to locations strong in the dark side of the Force, in hopes of vanquishing whatever artifact or dark side practitioner that may be causing the disturbance. Often engaged in information-gathering roles, Shadows were always sure to obtain all possible data on their target before making a decisive blow against them. Due to their missions, Jedi Shadows were often noted for being loners with a black-and-white perception of the world around them. Those who survived the great Jedi Purge of Order-66, shadows have taken the same approach to fighting the Empire as they did in the Galactic Republic.
Hit Die : 6 + Con Mod
Skill Points Per Level: 2 + Int Mod (x4 at level one)
Defense Bonuses : Fortitude: 2 Reflex: 2 Willpower: 2
Class Skills : Acrobatics, Endurance, Initiative, Knowledge, Perception, Use the Force, Stealth
Class Requirements :
Force sensitive. Base attack bonus of 7 or higher. Use the force skill of 5 or higher. No Noghri or non-shard-sentient droids. No ranks in shadow, guardian or consular classes.
This class must be unlocked using account exp (see accexp class)
1 = 0 = jedi shadow school of thought, greater lightsaber focus
2 = 1 = djem so form
3 = 2 = ataru form, soresu form, jedi shadow school of thought
4 = 3 = sokan form
5 = 3 = jedi shadow school of thought, shii-cho form
6 = 4 = shien form
7 = 5 = niman form, jedi shadow school of thought
8 = 6 = makashi form
9 = 6 = juyo form, jar'kai form, jedi shadow school of thought
10 = 7 = greater lightsaber specialization, vaapad form
Cumulative 5 percent concealment and cumulative +1d6 sneak attack damage (stacks with other sneak attack damage)
+1 to attacks with lightsabers.
Once per round can spend 10 Force Points to respond to a successful attack against you with one of your own. djemso command.
Allows you to add dex mod to damage instead of strength when wielding lightsabers, or 2x dex mod if wielding two handed (not double weapons).
Can reroll any failed deflect attack, once per attempt.
Cumulative 5 percent concealment and cumulative +1d6 sneak attack damage (stacks with other sneak attack damage)
+5 to acrobatics skill and can never roll less than 10 on an acrobatics check.
Cumulative 5 percent concealment and cumulative +1d6 sneak attack damage (stacks with other sneak attack damage)
When you attempt to deflect multiple attacks, you suffer only -2 per attempt instead of -5.
Whenever you riposte an attack you get +5 to the attack roll.
When wielding a lightsaber you gain a +1 to all defenses.
Cumulative 5 percent concealment and cumulative +1d6 sneak attack damage (stacks with other sneak attack damage)
When wielding only one lightsaber (and not a double lightsaber), you gain +2 to reflex defense.
You can roll your first attack per round twice and take the best result.
When wielding a lightsaber in both hands (or double lightsaber) you gain an additional +1 to reflex defense.
Cumulative 5 percent concealment and cumulative +1d6 sneak attack damage (stacks with other sneak attack damage)
+2 to damage with lightsabers.
Critical threat range when wielding a lightsaber increases by 1.
Information for the Jedi Striker Class
The Jedi are known for their amazing ability in wielding the lightsaber, a weapon of ancient design an unequaled utility in the hands of one who can wield it. Jedi Strikers are unique among these lightsaber wielders, with tremendous precision and speed. On top of that, Jedi Strikers receive special training when battling dark side users of the force. They are often used in situations where sending more than one or two Jedi would be detrimental to the mission.
Hit Die : 8 + Con Mod
Skill Points Per Level: 3 + Int Mod (x4 at level one)
Defense Bonuses : Fortitude: 2 Reflex: 2 Willpower: 2
Class Skills : Acrobatics, Endurance, Initiative, Tactics, Knowledge, Perception, Use the Force
Free Feats : martial arts i, simple weapon proficiency, force sensitivity, lightsaber proficiency
Class Requirements :
Base attack bonus of 16 or higher. Force sensitive. Use the force skill with 20 or more base ranks. No Noghri or non-shard-sentient droids.
This class must be unlocked using account exp (see accexp class)
1 = 1 = dual weapon mastery i, dual sabers i
2 = 2 = saber damage i
3 = 3 = sith nemesis i
4 = 4 = dual weapon mastery ii
5 = 5 = sith nemesis ii
6 = 6 = dual sabers ii
7 = 7 = saber damage ii
8 = 8 = saber damage iii
9 = 9 = dual sabers iii
10 = 10 = dual weapon mastery iii, sith nemesis iii
Penalties when wielding two weapons or double weapon -5/-5 instead of -10/10
25% chance for extra offhand saber attack. -3 to deflection attempts. -1 to fortitude defense (cumulative).
+2 to lightsaber damage (cumulative).
+3 to deflection penetration and +2 to damage against dark side force users (cumulative).
Penalties when wielding two weapons or double weapon -2/-2 instead of -5/-5
+3 to deflection penetration and +2 to damage against dark side force users (cumulative).
25% chance for extra offhand saber attack. -3 to deflection attempts. -1 to fortitude defense (cumulative).
+2 to lightsaber damage (cumulative).
+2 to lightsaber damage (cumulative).
25% chance for extra offhand saber attack. -3 to deflection attempts. -1 to fortitude defense (cumulative).
Penalties when wielding two weapons or double weapon eliminated.
+3 to deflection penetration and +2 to damage against dark side force users (cumulative).
Information for the Machinist Class
The Galaxy is filled with technological advances that layman can hardly conceive of. There are many who work with such technologies: scientists, slicers and engineers to name a few. But few out there have the same level of savvy that those who've been termed 'machnists' possess. Whether slicing a data terminal, a lock box or a droid, they can slice or fix nearly anything, making them valued allies and a thorn in the side of any who find themselves on the machinist's bad side.
Hit Die : 8 + Con Mod
Skill Points Per Level: 5 + Int Mod (x4 at level one)
Defense Bonuses : Fortitude: 2 Reflex: 2 Willpower: 2
Class Skills : Initiative, Tactics, Knowledge, Mechanics, Perception, Ride, Survival, Treat Injury, Use Computer
Class Requirements :
Class level of 7 or higher. Tech expert feat. Mechanics skill base ranks of 7 or higher.
This class must be unlocked using account exp (see accexp class)
1 = 0 = disable droid, rewire droid, technical training
2 = 1 = jury rigger, drone expert i, defensive droid subroutines
3 = 2 = engineering expert, improved lockbox slicing
4 = 3 = mechanics expert, improved terminal slicing
5 = 3 = slicing expert, field technician i, medical droid subroutines
6 = 4 = advanced lockbox slicing, upgrade droid
7 = 5 = advanced terminal slicing, drone expert ii
8 = 6 = field technician ii, offensive droid routines
9 = 6 = expert lockbox slicing
10 = 7 = field technician iii, drone expert iii, artisan droid subroutines
Allows you to disable droids and render them inoperable for a time.
Allows you to rewire disabled droids and have them follow you and obey your commands.
Gives you research tokens equal to your natural int bonus (minimum of 3) to be used for purchasing technical abilities using the develop command.
Roll twice for mechanics checks and take best result. Improves amount fixed with juryrig pilot feat.
Improves stats of combat drones activated through the namesake technical ability. Cumulative with other drone expert feats.
Allows you to give your droid defensive subroutines for better tanking ability.
Improves bonuses on any items crafted with the engineering crafting skill.
More credits and better gear drops when slicing lockboxes.
Cannot roll below a 10 on mechanics skill checks and +5 to all mechanics skill checks.
Doubles chance to receive desired data chip when slicing data terminals.
Cannot roll below a 10 on use computer skill checks and +5 to all use computer skill checks.
10% chance that technical abilities will not trigger a cooldown, and reduces power cell cost to 8.
Allows you to give your droid medical subroutines to allow them to periodically heal you and your group.
More credits and better gear drops when slicing lockboxes. Moreso than improved lockbox slicing.
Allows you to improve the combat abilities of any droids you have rewired.
Triples chance to receive desired data chip when slicing data terminals.
Improves stats of combat drones activated through the namesake technical ability. Cumulative with other drone expert feats.
25% chance that technical abilities will not trigger a cooldown, and reduces power cell cost to 5.
Allows you to give your droid offensive subroutines for better damaging ability.
More credits and better gear drops when slicing lockboxes. Moreso than improved and advanced lockbox slicing.
50% chance that technical abilities will not trigger a cooldown, and reduces power cell cost to 2.
Improves stats of combat drones activated through the namesake technical ability. Cumulative with other drone expert feats.
Allows you to give your droid artisan subroutines allowing them to assist you in crafting new items with better stats.
Information for the Martial Artist Class
Among the many soldiers, mercenaries and body guards, there exist a select few who have truly taken unarmed and melee combat to a higher level. Martial Artists, as they're termed, have learned to master the wielding of dual weapons, such as vibroblades and vibroknuckles. With alarming speed and accuracy, they leave a swath ofdeath behind them as they bolt from target to target on the battlefield, many of their targets dead before they can fire off a shot. (Note: martial artist abilities do not function with lightsabers, to prevent balance issues).
Hit Die : 8 + Con Mod
Skill Points Per Level: 3 + Int Mod (x4 at level one)
Defense Bonuses : Fortitude: 1 Reflex: 1 Willpower: 1
Class Skills : Acrobatics, Athletics, Endurance, Initiative, Tactics, Knowledge, Perception, Ride
Class Requirements :
Class level of 7 or higher. martial arts i, ii & iii feats. Dodge feat.
This class must be unlocked using account exp (see accexp class)
1 = 1 = stunning fist, dual weapon mastery i, power attack, martial artist iv
2 = 2 = rapid strike, dual weapon mastery ii, dual weapon defense i
3 = 3 = martial arts fighter, cleave
4 = 4 = improved power attack
5 = 5 = improved disarm, dual weapon mastery iii
6 = 6 = martial arts fighter, dual weapon defense ii
7 = 7 = martial artist v, dual weapon mastery iv
8 = 8 = mighty swing, great cleave
9 = 9 = martial arts fighter
10 = 10 = dual weapon mastery v, dual weapon defense iii, weapon cyclone
May make unarmed attack to stun opponent for two rounds.
Penalties when wielding two weapons or double weapon -5/-5 instead of -10/10.
Subtract a number from hit and add to dam. If 2H weapon add 2x dam instead.
Unarmed attacks deal 1d12 damage, vibroknuckles deal 2d8, additional +1 reflex defense.
Can deal extra die of damage with melee weapon at -2 to all attacks.
Penalties when wielding two weapons or double weapon -2/-2 instead of -5/-5.
+1 to all defenses when wielding two slashing, piercing or bludgeoning weapons.
Grants +1 to hit and +2 to damage to all slashing, piercing and bludgeoning weapon attacks. 3 ranks max.
Extra initial attack against opponent after killing another opponent in same room.
Halves the attack penalty for using power attack and doubles the damage bonus (triples for two handed weapons).
You gain a +4 bonus to disarm checks.
Penalties when wielding two weapons or double weapon elminated.
Grants +1 to hit and +2 to damage to all slashing, piercing and bludgeoning weapon attacks. 3 ranks max.
+1 to all defenses when wielding two slashing, piercing or bludgeoning weapons.
Unarmed attacks deal 2d8 damage, vibroknuckles deal 2d10, additional +1 reflex defense.
Grants second off hand attack when wielding two slashing, piercing or bludgeoning weapons.
Our melee attacks deal an extra 1 (level/6) damage or 2 + (level/3) damage for two handed weapons, up to a maximum of your strength bonus (x2 for 2handers).
Get a free attack against all hostile combatants upon killing a foe in combat when wielding a two handed slashing, bludgeoning or piercing weapon.
Grants +1 to hit and +2 to damage to all slashing, piercing and bludgeoning weapon attacks. 3 ranks max.
Grants +1 to attack rolls and +1 damage for all attacks when wielding two slashing, piercing or bludgeoning weapons.
+1 to all defenses when wielding two slashing, piercing or bludgeoning weapons.
Attack all of your combat targets with one attack, dealing an automatic critical hit.
Information for the Rifleman Class
Whether mowing down the enemy ranks on autofire, or sniping enemies one-by-one from a hidden vantage the rifleman is second to none when wielding blaster rifles. With an array of tricks up their sleeve when wielding a rifle, there is no one else you'd rather have covering your six.
Hit Die : 8 + Con Mod
Skill Points Per Level: 4 + Int Mod (x4 at level one)
Defense Bonuses : Fortitude: 1 Reflex: 2 Willpower: 0
Class Skills : Athletics, Endurance, Initiative, Tactics, Knowledge, Mechanics, Perception, Ride, Survival, Stealth
Class Requirements :
Class level of 7 or higher. Precise shot feat. Point blank shot feat.
This class must be unlocked using account exp (see accexp class)
1 = 1 = rifle expertise
2 = 2 = sniper shot, precise shot
3 = 3 = sneak attack
4 = 4 = empty clip, dodge
5 = 5 = rifle expertise
6 = 6 = sneak attack
7 = 7 = spread fire
8 = 8 = rifle expertise, combat expertise
9 = 9 = sneak attack
10 = 10 = perfect aim, mobility
LEGEND: BAB (base attack bonus)
Grants +1 to hit and +1 to damage per rank, max 3 ranks.
Deals rifleman level x3 damage for first hit of each combat.
You may shoot in melee without the standard -4 to hit penalty.
+1d6 to damage per rank when flanking
Empty clip and deal damage based on ammo left in clip previous to shot. Autofire damage is reduced. Blaster rifle damage is increased over sporting blaster rifle.
You gain a permanent +1 dodge bonus to reflex defense.
Grants +1 to hit and +1 to damage per rank, max 3 ranks.
+1d6 to damage per rank when flanking
Grants extra autofire attack per target for 2 rounds.
Grants +1 to hit and +1 to damage per rank, max 3 ranks.
May take penalty to hit rolls and add same amount as dodge ac bonus.
+1d6 to damage per rank when flanking
Increases critical threat range of all attacks by 1 when aim ability is active.
+4 dodge ac bonus against attacks of opportunity.
Information for the Sith Apprentice Class
Sith apprentices are force users who have embraced the dark side of the force. Sometimes these are actual devotees to the Sith philosophy, and sometimes they are force users who are simply drawn to the dark side and the seductive power it offers.
Hit Die : 10 + Con Mod
Skill Points Per Level: 2 + Int Mod (x4 at level one)
Defense Bonuses : Fortitude: 2 Reflex: 2 Willpower: 2
Class Skills : Acrobatics, Endurance, Initiative, Tactics, Knowledge, Perception, Use the Force
Free Feats : martial arts i, simple weapon proficiency, force sensitivity, lightsaber proficiency
Class Requirements :
Force sensitive. Base attack bonus of 7 or higher. Use the force skill of 5 or higher. No Noghri or non-shard-sentient droids.
This class must be unlocked using account exp (see accexp class)
1 = 1 = greater lightsaber focus, dark side adept, dark side scourge
2 = 2 = dark healing, djem so form
3 = 3 = ataru form, soresu form
4 = 4 = sokan form
5 = 5 = shii-cho form
6 = 6 = wicked strike, shien form
7 = 7 = niman form
8 = 8 = improved dark healing, makashi form
9 = 9 = juyo form, jar'kai form
10 = 10 = dark side master, greater lightsaber specialization, vaapad form
+1 to attacks with lightsabers.
Can reroll any use the force check associated with a dark side force power.
+2 to attack rolls against members of the jedi clan or characters/npc with jedi guardian, sentiel, shadow, striker, master or consular levels.
Unlocks use of the dark healing force power, which allows you to drain hp from an enemy and heal yourself the same amount.
Once per round can spend 10 Force Points to respond to a successful attack against you with one of your own. djemso command.
Allows you to add dex mod to damage instead of strength when wielding lightsabers, or 2x dex mod if wielding two handed (not double weapons).
Can reroll any failed deflect attack, once per attempt.
+5 to acrobatics skill and can never roll less than 10 on an acrobatics check.
When you attempt to deflect multiple attacks, you suffer only -2 per attempt instead of -5.
when active (wickedstrike command) all criticals cost 10 force points and cause the enemy to move 2 positions down the condition monitor scale.
Whenever you riposte an attack you get +5 to the attack roll.
When wielding a lightsaber you gain a +1 to all defenses.
As dark healing, but failure results in half damage & healing.
When wielding only one lightsaber (and not a double lightsaber), you gain +2 to reflex defense.
You can roll your first attack per round twice and take the best result.
When wielding a lightsaber in both hands (or double lightsaber) you gain an additional +1 to reflex defense.
+10 to all dark side force power rolls.
+2 to damage with lightsabers.
Critical threat range when wielding a lightsaber increases by 1.
Information for the Sith Assassin Class
The Sith are, for those who know of them, perhaps the most dangerous people in the entire Galaxy. Among their ranks, the sith assassin is among the most feared, of the most feared. Trained to hunt and kill Jedi and other enemies of the Empire, their talents a specifically focused to this end. Almost anyone who finds themselves facing down a sith assassin will not live to tell the tale.
Hit Die : 8 + Con Mod
Skill Points Per Level: 3 + Int Mod (x4 at level one)
Defense Bonuses : Fortitude: 2 Reflex: 2 Willpower: 2
Class Skills : Acrobatics, Endurance, Initiative, Tactics, Knowledge, Perception, Use the Force
Free Feats : martial arts i, simple weapon proficiency, force sensitivity, lightsaber proficiency
Class Requirements :
Base attack bonus of 16 or higher. Force sensitive. Use the force skill with 20 or more base ranks. No Noghri or non-shard-sentient droids.
This class must be unlocked using account exp (see accexp class)
1 = 1 = dual weapon mastery i, dual sabers i
2 = 2 = saber damage i
3 = 3 = jedi nemesis i
4 = 4 = dual weapon mastery ii
5 = 5 = jedi nemesis ii
6 = 6 = dual sabers ii
7 = 7 = saber damage ii
8 = 8 = saber damage iii
9 = 9 = dual sabers iii
10 = 10 = dual weapon mastery iii, jedi nemesis iii
Penalties when wielding two weapons or double weapon -5/-5 instead of -10/10
25% chance for extra offhand saber attack. -3 to deflection attempts. -1 to fortitude defense (cumulative).
+2 to lightsaber damage (cumulative).
+3 to deflection penetration and +2 to damage against light side force users (cumulative).
Penalties when wielding two weapons or double weapon -2/-2 instead of -5/-5
+3 to deflection penetration and +2 to damage against light side force users (cumulative).
25% chance for extra offhand saber attack. -3 to deflection attempts. -1 to fortitude defense (cumulative).
+2 to lightsaber damage (cumulative).
+2 to lightsaber damage (cumulative).
25% chance for extra offhand saber attack. -3 to deflection attempts. -1 to fortitude defense (cumulative).
Penalties when wielding two weapons or double weapon eliminated.
+3 to deflection penetration and +2 to damage against light side force users (cumulative).
Information for the Sith Lord Class
Sith Lord, also known as a Lord of the Sith, was a title conferred upon individuals who followed the Sith tradition. Sith Lords drew upon the dark side of the Force, using it to gain power. The title "Darth" was given to newly christened Sith Lords in place of their old identities. It roughly translated to "Dark Lord."
Hit Die : 10 + Con Mod
Skill Points Per Level: 4 + Int Mod (x4 at level one)
Defense Bonuses : Fortitude: 3 Reflex: 3 Willpower: 3
Class Skills : Acrobatics, Endurance, Initiative, Tactics, Knowledge, Perception, Persuasion, Use the Force
Free Feats : martial arts i, simple weapon proficiency, force sensitivity, lightsaber proficiency
Class Requirements :
Minimum heroic level of 20 or higher. Force sensitive. Use the force skill with 20 or more base ranks. 3 ranks of the force training feat. No Noghri or non-shard-sentient droids.
This class must be unlocked using account exp (see accexp class)
1 = 1 = power of the dark side
2 = 2 = dark presence, gauge force potential
3 = 3 = telekinetic power
4 = 4 = telekinetic savant
5 = 5 = force damage reduction
6 = 6 = equilibirum, devastating power
7 = 7 = force focus
8 = 8 = force healer
9 = 9 = swift power, force rebuke
10 = 10 = force power recovery, fearless, temptation
When enabled, allows you to reroll all attack rolls twice and take the best result at a cost of 3 force points per attack.
When used will give all sith allies +1 to all defenses until the end of combat.
Allows user to gauge whether a person is force sensitive, and to some degree, how powerful a person is in the force.
20% chance that the following force powers will not trigger a cooldown when used: force push, force slam, move object, force disarm, force grip.
Once per encounter you can ignore the cooldown timer on one of the following force powers: force push, force slam, move object, force disarm, force grip.
Can be used to enhance a characters damage reduction by 10/- for one minute.
Removes all negative effects from the target, excluding condition damage.
When activated, damaging force powers deal additional damage at the cost of increased force point cost.
This power allows you to use your next force power without triggering a cooldown on it.
You can use your use the force skill in place of treat injury when using the heal skill.
Once every ten minutes you can reduce the cooldown timer on all force powers by half, for one combat encounter.
You can absorb the next force power used against you with a chance to reflect it back at the enemy.
At the end of combat, each rank with this feat will give a cumulative 10% chance per round to end the cooldown timer on a randomly chosen force power.
Character is immune to fear and all fear-like effects.
This ability will have a chance that the victim will receve 2 levels of condition damage each time they use a light side force power.
Information for the Trader Class
Traders are essential to nearly every economy throughout the galaxy. They come in all varieties, from local market vendors, to corporate officers to highly educated and intelligent engineers and weapon smiths. Sometimes traders facilitate the sale of goods, but often they sell and distribute their own creations. In every case, though, the galaxy's economy would grind to a halt without the contributions of your everyday trader.
Hit Die : 6 + Con Mod
Skill Points Per Level: 6 + Int Mod (x4 at level one)
Defense Bonuses : Fortitude: 1 Reflex: 1 Willpower: 1
Class Skills : Deception, Gather Information, Initiative, Tactics, Knowledge, Mechanics, Perception, Persuasion, Ride, Treat Injury, Use Computer
Free Feats : linguist, weapon proficiency (pistols), simple weapon proficiency
Class Requirements :
This class must be unlocked using account exp (see accexp class)
1 = 0 = credit hound, tinkering training
2 = 1 = theory to practice, armstech training, surveyor
3 = 2 = credit hound, engineering training
4 = 3 = theory to practice, surveyor
5 = 3 = credit hound, able learner
6 = 4 = theory to practice, surveyor
7 = 5 = credit hound, expert haggler
8 = 6 = financial expert, abil, theory to practice, surveyor
9 = 6 = surveyor, credit hound
10 = 7 = theory to practice, surveyor
Offers bonuses to credit gains from random treasure drops, pilfers and slicing lockboxes (+10%/rank).
Allows you to train the tinkering skill.
Allows you to spend credits to improve items with the theorize command. Each rank increases chance of success.
Allows you to train the armstech skill.
Offers bonus to artisan experience for harvesting and crafting. Each rank increases bonus.
Offers bonuses to credit gains from random treasure drops, pilfers and slicing lockboxes (+10%/rank).
Allows you to train the engineering skill.
Allows you to spend credits to improve items with the theorize command. Each rank increases chance of success.
Offers bonus to artisan experience for harvesting and crafting. Each rank increases bonus.
Offers bonuses to credit gains from random treasure drops, pilfers and slicing lockboxes (+10%/rank).
+1 to all skills.
Allows you to spend credits to improve items with the theorize command. Each rank increases chance of success.
Offers bonus to artisan experience for harvesting and crafting. Each rank increases bonus.
Offers bonuses to credit gains from random treasure drops, pilfers and slicing lockboxes (+10%/rank).
Bonuses for successful haggle attempt are doubled. (uses haggle command and persuasion skill).
Can invest money at the bank to increase deposit amount (uses invest command & knowledge skill).
Allows you to spend credits to improve items with the theorize command. Each rank increases chance of success.
Offers bonus to artisan experience for harvesting and crafting. Each rank increases bonus.
Offers bonus to artisan experience for harvesting and crafting. Each rank increases bonus.
Offers bonuses to credit gains from random treasure drops, pilfers and slicing lockboxes (+10%/rank).
Allows you to spend credits to improve items with the theorize command. Each rank increases chance of success.
Offers bonus to artisan experience for harvesting and crafting. Each rank increases bonus.
Information for the Weapon Master Class
There are many throughout the Galaxy who consider themselves the elite. Hot shots, military spec ops, duelists and bounty hunters, and true they may be. But none surpass the weapon master in sheer skill with their weapons of choice. Any weapon a weapon master decides to focus his training on becomes far more deadly than in the hands of another. Weapon masters can devote their training to multiple weapons, so long as they've learned weapon focus in that weapon type.
Hit Die : 10 + Con Mod
Skill Points Per Level: 3 + Int Mod (x4 at level one)
Defense Bonuses : Fortitude: 3 Reflex: 3 Willpower: 0
Class Skills : Athletics, Endurance, Initiative, Tactics, Mechanics, Perception, Treat Injury, Use Computer
Class Requirements :
Base attack bonus of 5 or higher. Weapon focus in any weapon. Dodge feat. Mobility feat. Spring attack feat.
This class must be unlocked using account exp (see accexp class)
1 = 1 = weapons of choice, martial arts i
2 = 2 = double attack
3 = 3 = mighty swing, cleave
4 = 4 = increased multiplier
5 = 5 = heavy armor proficiency, martial arts ii
6 = 6 = rapid shot, rapid strike
7 = 7 = ki damage, great cleave
8 = 8 = improved disarm, superior weapon focus
9 = 9 = triple attack
10 = 10 = martial arts iii, ki critical
Gives weapons of choice (any weapon with weapon focus) +1 to hit and damage.
Unarmed attacks deal 1d6 damage, vibroknuckles deal 2d5, +1 reflex defense.
Deal extra attack at -5 penalty to all attacks.
Our melee attacks deal an extra 1 (level/6) damage or 2 + (level/3) damage for two handed weapons, up to a maximum of your strength bonus (x2 for 2handers).
Extra initial attack against opponent after killing another opponent in same room.
Weapons of choice have +1 to their critical multiplier.
Allows unpenalized use of heavy armor.
Unarmed attacks deal 1d8 damage, vibroknuckles deal 2d6, +1 reflex defense.
Can deal extra die of damage with ranged weapon at -2 to all attacks.
Can deal extra die of damage with melee weapon at -2 to all attacks.
Weapons of Choice deal max weapon dice damage instead of rolling for weapon damage.
Get a free attack against all hostile combatants upon killing a foe in combat when wielding a two handed slashing, bludgeoning or piercing weapon.
You gain a +4 bonus to disarm checks.
Weapons of choice have +1 to hit.
Deal extra attack at additional -5 penalty to all attacks, command:doubleattack to toggle.
Unarmed attacks deal 1d10 damage, vibroknuckles deal 2d7, +1 reflex defense.
Weapons of choice have +1 to threat range.
Information for the Artisan Class
The galaxy's economy runs on the creations of artisans. Whether manufactured in factories from an artisan's blueprint, or crafted by hand by a skilled tradesman, the tools, clothing, decor, weapons and armor used by every day citizens and imperial storm troppers come from artisans. Though the average person only practices as an artisan if it is their means of work, the more prominent members of galactic society generally learn at least one artisan trade as a means of keeping their gear in tip top shape or make a little money on the side. Usually they are still confined to a single trade, except those who decide to devote more of their time to the way of the trader, in which case they are able to learn and practice all different kinds of artisanry.
OOC: The artisan class is a secondary class, meaning everyone has at least one rank in it, and can level up without it counting against their total # of classes and levels in basic and advanced classes. One can learn a single artisan trade by using the 'artisan' command. For more information see HELP CRAFTING and the help files refenced therein.
1 = learned crafter
4 = fast crafter
9 = fast crafter
10 = instant harvesting, efficient crafting
11 = proficient crafter
12 = proficient harvester
13 = fast crafter
14 = instant harvesting
15 = branding
16 = proficient crafter
17 = proficient harvester
18 = fast crafter, adept crafting
19 = instant harvesting
20 = proficient crafter
21 = proficient harvester
22 = fast crafter
23 = instant harvesting
24 = guru crafting
25 = proficient crafter
26 = proficient harvester
27 = fast crafter
28 = scavenge
29 = instant harvesting
30 = master crafting
31 = proficient crafter
32 = proficient harvester
33 = fast crafter
34 = instant harvesting
35 = grandmaster crafting
36 = proficient crafter
37 = proficient harvester
38 = fast crafter
39 = instant harvesting
40 = guildmaster crafting
Artisan gains exp for crafting items and harvesting.
Increases all crafting skills.
Increases all harvesting skills.
Reduces crafting time by 1 tick per rank when fastcrafting is enabled.
Each rank gives 10% per tick that the harvest node will compeltely instantly.
All equipment made is masterwork.
Increases all crafting skills.
Increases all harvesting skills.
Reduces crafting time by 1 tick per rank when fastcrafting is enabled.
Each rank gives 10% per tick that the harvest node will compeltely instantly.
All equipment made is 50% weight and uses 50% materials.
Increases all crafting skills.
Increases all harvesting skills.
Reduces crafting time by 1 tick per rank when fastcrafting is enabled.
Each rank gives 10% per tick that the harvest node will compeltely instantly.
All items made carry the artisan's brand.
Increases all crafting skills.
Increases all harvesting skills.
Reduces crafting time by 1 tick per rank when fastcrafting is enabled.
+1 to all level 10 or higher gear.
Each rank gives 10% per tick that the harvest node will compeltely instantly.
Increases all crafting skills.
Increases all harvesting skills.
Reduces crafting time by 1 tick per rank when fastcrafting is enabled.
Each rank gives 10% per tick that the harvest node will compeltely instantly.
+1 to all stats on level 45 or higher gear.
Increases all crafting skills.
Increases all harvesting skills.
Reduces crafting time by 1 tick per rank when fastcrafting is enabled.
Extra chance to find random treasure.
Each rank gives 10% per tick that the harvest node will compeltely instantly.
+1 bonus to all level 20 or higher gear.
Increases all crafting skills.
Increases all harvesting skills.
Reduces crafting time by 1 tick per rank when fastcrafting is enabled.
Each rank gives 10% per tick that the harvest node will compeltely instantly.
+1 to all stats on level 30 or higher gear.
Increases all crafting skills.
Increases all harvesting skills.
Reduces crafting time by 1 tick per rank when fastcrafting is enabled.
Each rank gives 10% per tick that the harvest node will compeltely instantly.
+1 to all stats on level 60 or higher gear.
Information for the Pilot Class
The galaxy is a big place. Thanks to hyperspace travel, the galaxy has been connected, and pilots are the ones who facilitate those connections. Whether you're a cargo hauler, the engineer of a capital ship, a dogfighting X-Wing pilot or a law-skirting smuggler, you can purchase and fly your own ship (or ships) as you travel the galaxy.
OOC: The pilot class is a secondary class, meaning everyone has at least one rank in it, and can level up without it counting against their total # of classes and levels in basic and advanced classes. The ships you can fly are based on your faction and pilot level. Anyone can fly freelancer ships though. For more information see HELP PILOTING and the help files refenced therein.
1 = 2 pilot skill points
2 = 2 pilot skill points
3 = 2 pilot skill points
4 = 2 pilot skill points, 1 pilot feat
5 = 2 pilot skill points
6 = 2 pilot skill points
7 = 2 pilot skill points
8 = 2 pilot skill points, 1 pilot feat
9 = 2 pilot skill points
10 = 2 pilot skill points
11 = 2 pilot skill points
12 = 2 pilot skill points, 1 pilot feat
13 = 2 pilot skill points
14 = 2 pilot skill points
15 = 2 pilot skill points
16 = 2 pilot skill points, 1 pilot feat
17 = 2 pilot skill points
18 = 2 pilot skill points
19 = 2 pilot skill points
20 = 2 pilot skill points, 1 pilot feat
21 = 2 pilot skill points
22 = 2 pilot skill points
23 = 2 pilot skill points
24 = 2 pilot skill points, 1 pilot feat
25 = 2 pilot skill points
26 = 2 pilot skill points
27 = 2 pilot skill points
28 = 2 pilot skill points, 1 pilot feat
29 = 2 pilot skill points
30 = 2 pilot skill points
31 = 2 pilot skill points
32 = 2 pilot skill points, 1 pilot feat
33 = 2 pilot skill points
34 = 2 pilot skill points
35 = 2 pilot skill points
36 = 2 pilot skill points, 1 pilot feat
37 = 2 pilot skill points
38 = 2 pilot skill points
39 = 2 pilot skill points
40 = 2 pilot skill points, 1 pilot feat
Pilot Skills: piloting, gunnery, ship systems
Pilot Feats: barrel roll, boost engines, boost shields, boost weapons, dogfight, fire all weapons, recharge shields, scattershot, ship jury rigging, stay on target
Determines ability to avoid getting hit by enemy shots.
Determines ability to hit other ships with your ship weapons.
Assists in recharging shields and repairing ship by jury rigging.
Increases reflex and damage threshold by +5 for three rounds.
This ability will double your maximum ship speed for 3 rounds.
This ability will boost your maximum and current shields by 50% for 3 rounds.
This ability will give you an extra 2 ship weapon attacks for 3 rounds.
Will give you +5 reflex defense and +5 to attacks for three rounds.
This will fire all of your weapons on your opponent, even if you only have 1 attack left. Damage will be 1.5x normal for all weapons fired.
Will recharge your shields by an amount equal to (1d20 + (Ship Systems skill)) / 5.
This will shoot the weapon twice even if you only have 1 attack left and will increase your ship critical range for these attacks by 2.
Using the juryrig command while in your ship you will heal (1d20 + ship systems skill + (mechanics skill / 2)) ship armor. Can't be used when fighting.
Will increase your ship's attack bonus by +5 and critical range by 2 for three rounds.
Information for the Corporate Engineer Template
Corporate Engineers have always had a place in the civilized galaxy. They were renowned both for their ability to create nearly anything and their knowledge on how to program and use droids to their benefit. Sometimes they worked for large corporations, and other times they worked on their own or in small teams. They are gifted with the knowledge and talent to make existing items better, and can craft nearly anything that can be crafted.
Level 1 = Trader
Level 2 = Trader
Level 3 = Trader
Level 4 = Trader
Level 5 = Trader
Level 6 = Trader
Level 7 = Trader
Level 8 = Machinist
Level 9 = Machinist
Level 10 = Machinist
Level 11 = Machinist
Level 12 = Machinist
Level 13 = Machinist
Level 14 = Machinist
Level 15 = Machinist
Level 16 = Machinist
Level 17 = Trader
Level 18 = Trader
Level 19 = Trader
Level 20 = Machinist
Level 21 = Machinist
Level 22 = Trader
Level 23 = Trader
Level 24 = Trader
Level 25 = Trader
Level 26 = Trader
Level 27 = Trader
Level 28 = Trader
Level 29 = Trader
Level 30 = Trader
Level 31 = Machinist
Level 32 = Machinist
Level 33 = Machinist
Level 34 = Machinist
Level 35 = Machinist
Level 36 = Machinist
Level 37 = Machinist
Level 38 = Machinist
Level 39 = Machinist
Level 40 = Trader
Information for the Disciple Template
Disciples are the master of melee combat. Whether wielding dual vibroblades, a force pike or their own bare hands, they are unmatched in the art of non-lightsaber melee combat. They come from all walks of life; sometimes elite soldiers, other times bodyguards or enforcers. They can pick up nearly any weapon on the battlefield and simply overwhelm their opponentds with their sheer, raw ability.
Level 1 = Soldier
Level 2 = Soldier
Level 3 = Soldier
Level 4 = Soldier
Level 5 = Soldier
Level 6 = Soldier
Level 7 = Soldier
Level 8 = Martial Artist
Level 9 = Martial Artist
Level 10 = Martial Artist
Level 11 = Martial Artist
Level 12 = Weapon Master
Level 13 = Weapon Master
Level 14 = Weapon Master
Level 15 = Martial Artist
Level 16 = Weapon Master
Level 17 = Martial Artist
Level 18 = Weapon Master
Level 19 = Martial Artist
Level 20 = Weapon Master
Level 21 = Martial Artist
Level 22 = Weapon Master
Level 23 = Martial Artist
Level 24 = Soldier
Level 25 = Martial Artist
Level 26 = Weapon Master
Level 27 = Soldier
Level 28 = Weapon Master
Level 29 = Soldier
Level 30 = Weapon Master
Level 31 = Martial Artist
Level 32 = Weapon Master
Level 33 = Weapon Master
Level 34 = Martial Artist
Level 35 = Weapon Master
Level 36 = Martial Artist
Level 37 = Weapon Master
Level 38 = Martial Artist
Level 39 = Weapon Master
Level 40 = Martial Artist
Information for the Force Crusader Template
The force crusader is a proficient user of the light side of the force. With a balance between offence, defence and force power usage. They are able to use both light side and neutral force powers, but excel when they embrace the light side of the force. The eventualy become proficient with wielding two lightsabers at once as well as wearing heavy armor.
Level 1 = Force Adept
Level 2 = Force Adept
Level 3 = Force Adept
Level 4 = Soldier
Level 5 = Force Adept
Level 6 = Force Adept
Level 7 = Force Adept
Level 8 = Jedi Guardian
Level 9 = Jedi Guardian
Level 10 = Jedi Guardian
Level 11 = Jedi Guardian
Level 12 = Jedi Guardian
Level 13 = Jedi Guardian
Level 14 = Jedi Guardian
Level 15 = Jedi Guardian
Level 16 = Jedi Guardian
Level 17 = Jedi Guardian
Level 18 = Force Adept
Level 19 = Force Adept
Level 20 = Force Adept
Level 21 = Force Adept
Level 22 = Force Adept
Level 23 = Force Adept
Level 24 = Force Adept
Level 25 = Force Adept
Level 26 = Force Adept
Level 27 = Soldier
Level 28 = Force Adept
Level 29 = Soldier
Level 30 = Soldier
Level 31 = Jedi Guardian
Level 32 = Jedi Guardian
Level 33 = Jedi Guardian
Level 34 = Jedi Guardian
Level 35 = Jedi Guardian
Level 36 = Jedi Guardian
Level 37 = Jedi Guardian
Level 38 = Jedi Guardian
Level 39 = Jedi Guardian
Level 40 = Jedi Guardian
Information for the Force Marauder Template
The force marauder is versed in the dark side of the force and is a warrior of physical might and ability. Focusing on strength and damage absorbtion, he is able to conquer his foes through brute force as well as using the force to enhance his abilities, and decimate those in his way.
Level 1 = Force Adept
Level 2 = Force Adept
Level 3 = Force Adept
Level 4 = Force Adept
Level 5 = Force Adept
Level 6 = Force Adept
Level 7 = Force Adept
Level 8 = Force Adept
Level 9 = Force Adept
Level 10 = Sith Apprentice
Level 11 = Sith Apprentice
Level 12 = Sith Apprentice
Level 13 = Sith Apprentice
Level 14 = Sith Apprentice
Level 15 = Sith Apprentice
Level 16 = Sith Apprentice
Level 17 = Sith Apprentice
Level 18 = Sith Apprentice
Level 19 = Sith Apprentice
Level 20 = Force Adept
Level 21 = Force Adept
Level 22 = Weapon Master
Level 23 = Weapon Master
Level 24 = Weapon Master
Level 25 = Weapon Master
Level 26 = Weapon Master
Level 27 = Weapon Master
Level 28 = Weapon Master
Level 29 = Weapon Master
Level 30 = Force Adept
Level 31 = Weapon Master
Level 32 = Weapon Master
Level 33 = Sith Apprentice
Level 34 = Sith Apprentice
Level 35 = Sith Apprentice
Level 36 = Sith Apprentice
Level 37 = Sith Apprentice
Level 38 = Sith Apprentice
Level 39 = Sith Apprentice
Level 40 = Sith Apprentice
Information for the Fringe Merchant Template
A clever trader operating on the edges of civilization, able to close a deal and protect themselves when things go awry.
Level 1 = Trader
Level 2 = Trader
Level 3 = Trader
Level 4 = Trader
Level 5 = Trader
Level 6 = Trader
Level 7 = Trader
Level 8 = Rifleman
Level 9 = Rifleman
Level 10 = Trader
Level 11 = Rifleman
Level 12 = Scout
Level 13 = Trader
Level 14 = Rifleman
Level 15 = Scout
Level 16 = Trader
Level 17 = Rifleman
Level 18 = Scout
Level 19 = Trader
Level 20 = Rifleman
Level 21 = Scout
Level 22 = Trader
Level 23 = Rifleman
Level 24 = Scout
Level 25 = Trader
Level 26 = Rifleman
Level 27 = Scout
Level 28 = Trader
Level 29 = Rifleman
Level 30 = Scout
Level 31 = Rifleman
Level 32 = Trader
Level 33 = Scout
Level 34 = Rifleman
Level 35 = Scout
Level 36 = Rifleman
Level 37 = Scout
Level 38 = Rifleman
Level 39 = Rifleman
Level 40 = Rifleman
Information for the Infiltrator Template
Operatives-for-hire, working in the shadows and masters of advanced weaponry and technology.
Level 1 = Scout
Level 2 = Scout
Level 3 = Scout
Level 4 = Scout
Level 5 = Scout
Level 6 = Scout
Level 7 = Scout
Level 8 = Gunslinger
Level 9 = Gunslinger
Level 10 = Machinist
Level 11 = Gunslinger
Level 12 = Machinist
Level 13 = Gunslinger
Level 14 = Machinist
Level 15 = Scout
Level 16 = Gunslinger
Level 17 = Machinist
Level 18 = Scout
Level 19 = Gunslinger
Level 20 = Machinist
Level 21 = Scout
Level 22 = Gunslinger
Level 23 = Machinist
Level 24 = Gunslinger
Level 25 = Machinist
Level 26 = Gunslinger
Level 27 = Machinist
Level 28 = Gunslinger
Level 29 = Machinist
Level 30 = Machinist
Level 31 = Gunslinger
Level 32 = Gunslinger
Level 33 = Machinist
Level 34 = Gunslinger
Level 35 = Gunslinger
Level 36 = Scout
Level 37 = Gunslinger
Level 38 = Machinist
Level 39 = Gunslinger
Level 40 = Scout
Information for the Jedi Battlemaster Template
Historically, the Jedi Battlemaster was elected by the Jedi high council to be the chief instructor for all lightsaber combat and training. This battlemaster would select instructors to work under him or her. The term was also used unofficially to refer to jedi who were exemplary as lightsaber combatants. Such jedi focused their training on melee combat, using the force as a conduit to enhance their already dangerous lightsaber ability.
Level 1 = Force Adept
Level 2 = Force Adept
Level 3 = Force Adept
Level 4 = Force Adept
Level 5 = Force Adept
Level 6 = Force Adept
Level 7 = Force Adept
Level 8 = Force Adept
Level 9 = Force Adept
Level 10 = Force Adept
Level 11 = Jedi Guardian
Level 12 = Jedi Guardian
Level 13 = Jedi Guardian
Level 14 = Jedi Guardian
Level 15 = Jedi Guardian
Level 16 = Jedi Guardian
Level 17 = Jedi Guardian
Level 18 = Jedi Guardian
Level 19 = Jedi Guardian
Level 20 = Jedi Guardian
Level 21 = Jedi Striker
Level 22 = Jedi Striker
Level 23 = Jedi Striker
Level 24 = Jedi Striker
Level 25 = Jedi Striker
Level 26 = Jedi Striker
Level 27 = Jedi Striker
Level 28 = Jedi Striker
Level 29 = Jedi Striker
Level 30 = Jedi Striker
Level 31 = Jedi Striker
Level 32 = Jedi Striker
Level 33 = Jedi Striker
Level 34 = Jedi Striker
Level 35 = Jedi Striker
Level 36 = Jedi Guardian
Level 37 = Jedi Guardian
Level 38 = Jedi Guardian
Level 39 = Jedi Guardian
Level 40 = Jedi Guardian
Information for the Mercenary Template
Quick with a blaster carbine and able to hunt down and decimate their foes with precision.
Level 1 = Scout
Level 2 = Scout
Level 3 = Scout
Level 4 = Scout
Level 5 = Scout
Level 6 = Scout
Level 7 = Scout
Level 8 = Bounty Hunter
Level 9 = Bounty Hunter
Level 10 = Bounty Hunter
Level 11 = Bounty Hunter
Level 12 = Carbineer
Level 13 = Carbineer
Level 14 = Carbineer
Level 15 = Carbineer
Level 16 = Carbineer
Level 17 = Carbineer
Level 18 = Carbineer
Level 19 = Carbineer
Level 20 = Carbineer
Level 21 = Carbineer
Level 22 = Bounty Hunter
Level 23 = Bounty Hunter
Level 24 = Bounty Hunter
Level 25 = Bounty Hunter
Level 26 = Bounty Hunter
Level 27 = Bounty Hunter
Level 28 = Scout
Level 29 = Scout
Level 30 = Scout
Level 31 = Carbineer
Level 32 = Carbineer
Level 33 = Bounty Hunter
Level 34 = Bounty Hunter
Level 35 = Bounty Hunter
Level 36 = Bounty Hunter
Level 37 = Bounty Hunter
Level 38 = Bounty Hunter
Level 39 = Bounty Hunter
Level 40 = Bounty Hunter
Information for the Outlaw Tech Template
A tricky criminal with devastating sneak attacks and excellent group support abilities
Level 1 = Scoundrel
Level 2 = Scoundrel
Level 3 = Scoundrel
Level 4 = Scoundrel
Level 5 = Scoundrel
Level 6 = Scoundrel
Level 7 = Scoundrel
Level 8 = Carbineer
Level 9 = Machinist
Level 10 = Carbineer
Level 11 = Machinist
Level 12 = Carbineer
Level 13 = Scoundrel
Level 14 = Machinist
Level 15 = Carbineer
Level 16 = Scoundrel
Level 17 = Machinist
Level 18 = Carbineer
Level 19 = Scoundrel
Level 20 = Machinist
Level 21 = Carbineer
Level 22 = Scoundrel
Level 23 = Machinist
Level 24 = Carbineer
Level 25 = Scoundrel
Level 26 = Machinist
Level 27 = Carbineer
Level 28 = Scoundrel
Level 29 = Machinist
Level 30 = Carbineer
Level 31 = Scoundrel
Level 32 = Carbineer
Level 33 = Carbineer
Level 34 = Scoundrel
Level 35 = Carbineer
Level 36 = Carbineer
Level 37 = Carbineer
Level 38 = Carbineer
Level 39 = Machinist
Level 40 = Machinist
Information for the Shock Trooper Template
An expert with rifles, ordinance and heavy weapons, with some field medical training.
Level 1 = Soldier
Level 2 = Soldier
Level 3 = Soldier
Level 4 = Soldier
Level 5 = Soldier
Level 6 = Soldier
Level 7 = Soldier
Level 8 = Soldier
Level 9 = Soldier
Level 10 = Soldier
Level 11 = Soldier
Level 12 = Soldier
Level 13 = Commando
Level 14 = Commando
Level 15 = Commando
Level 16 = Commando
Level 17 = Commando
Level 18 = Commando
Level 19 = Commando
Level 20 = Commando
Level 21 = Commando
Level 22 = Commando
Level 23 = Soldier
Level 24 = Soldier
Level 25 = Rifleman
Level 26 = Rifleman
Level 27 = Rifleman
Level 28 = Rifleman
Level 29 = Rifleman
Level 30 = Rifleman
Level 31 = Rifleman
Level 32 = Rifleman
Level 33 = Rifleman
Level 34 = Rifleman
Level 35 = Rifleman
Level 36 = Soldier
Level 37 = Rifleman
Level 38 = Rifleman
Level 39 = Rifleman
Level 40 = Rifleman
Information for the Smuggler Template
A street savvy con artist, wielding dual pistols able to get past any security checkpoint.
Level 1 = Scoundrel
Level 2 = Scoundrel
Level 3 = Scoundrel
Level 4 = Scoundrel
Level 5 = Scoundrel
Level 6 = Scoundrel
Level 7 = Scoundrel
Level 8 = Gunslinger
Level 9 = Gunslinger
Level 10 = Gunslinger
Level 11 = Scoundrel
Level 12 = Gunslinger
Level 13 = Gunslinger
Level 14 = Weapon Master
Level 15 = Weapon Master
Level 16 = Scoundrel
Level 17 = Gunslinger
Level 18 = Gunslinger
Level 19 = Gunslinger
Level 20 = Scoundrel
Level 21 = Weapon Master
Level 22 = Weapon Master
Level 23 = Weapon Master
Level 24 = Weapon Master
Level 25 = Weapon Master
Level 26 = Gunslinger
Level 27 = Gunslinger
Level 28 = Scoundrel
Level 29 = Scoundrel
Level 30 = Scoundrel
Level 31 = Scoundrel
Level 32 = Scoundrel
Level 33 = Scoundrel
Level 34 = Scoundrel
Level 35 = Scoundrel
Level 36 = Scoundrel
Level 37 = Gunslinger
Level 38 = Gunslinger
Level 39 = Scoundrel
Level 40 = Scoundrel
Information for the Space Ranger Template
A natural explorer, taking odd jobs and bounties as they scour the stars for adventure and profit.
Level 1 = Scout
Level 2 = Scout
Level 3 = Scout
Level 4 = Scout
Level 5 = Scout
Level 6 = Scout
Level 7 = Scout
Level 8 = Carbineer
Level 9 = Carbineer
Level 10 = Bounty Hunter
Level 11 = Bounty Hunter
Level 12 = Carbineer
Level 13 = Carbineer
Level 14 = Bounty Hunter
Level 15 = Carbineer
Level 16 = Carbineer
Level 17 = Bounty Hunter
Level 18 = Bounty Hunter
Level 19 = Bounty Hunter
Level 20 = Bounty Hunter
Level 21 = Carbineer
Level 22 = Bounty Hunter
Level 23 = Bounty Hunter
Level 24 = Bounty Hunter
Level 25 = Carbineer
Level 26 = Carbineer
Level 27 = Carbineer
Level 28 = Scout
Level 29 = Scout
Level 30 = Scout
Level 31 = Carbineer
Level 32 = Carbineer
Level 33 = Carbineer
Level 34 = Carbineer
Level 35 = Carbineer
Level 36 = Carbineer
Level 37 = Carbineer
Level 38 = Carbineer
Level 39 = Carbineer
Level 40 = Carbineer
Information for the Tactician Template
A master of the battlefield, troop morale and the use of technology to enhance the battle in their favor.
Level 1 = Squad Leader
Level 2 = Squad Leader
Level 3 = Squad Leader
Level 4 = Squad Leader
Level 5 = Squad Leader
Level 6 = Squad Leader
Level 7 = Squad Leader
Level 8 = Squad Leader
Level 9 = Weapon Master
Level 10 = Weapon Master
Level 11 = Squad Leader
Level 12 = Machinist
Level 13 = Machinist
Level 14 = Machinist
Level 15 = Machinist
Level 16 = Machinist
Level 17 = Squad Leader
Level 18 = Squad Leader
Level 19 = Squad Leader
Level 20 = Squad Leader
Level 21 = Squad Leader
Level 22 = Squad Leader
Level 23 = Weapon Master
Level 24 = Weapon Master
Level 25 = Weapon Master
Level 26 = Weapon Master
Level 27 = Machinist
Level 28 = Machinist
Level 29 = Machinist
Level 30 = Machinist
Level 31 = Machinist
Level 32 = Machinist
Level 33 = Machinist
Level 34 = Machinist
Level 35 = Machinist
Level 36 = Machinist
Level 37 = Machinist
Level 38 = Machinist
Level 39 = Machinist
Level 40 = Machinist
Account experience is accumulated at the account level. It can be obtained from role playing, fighting mobs, PvP and some crafting exercises. It is used to unlocked advanced races and classes for your account, which are then available to all characters in your account. It can also be used to upgrade your inventory size, improve armor and weapons, and other uses coming in the future.